Federal Acronym Glossary

User's Guide to acronyms commonly used in the Dayton Region. 

Learn more about the organizations behind the acronyms. 

Dayton Region Community Leader Fly-In

The Dayton Region has one of the nation’s largest and oldest on-going, community-wide programs to take civic leaders to Washington, D.C. Since 1984, the Fly-In has become a vital part of helping the federal government understand the needs of our local community.

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Dayton Region Federal Installations

Dayton Region Federal Installations account for more than $19 billion in regional economic activity annually and employ more than 103,000 people. This includes active duty, guard and reserve military members, federal civilians and government contractors. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is the largest single-site employer in the State of Ohio and headquarters to some of the Air Force’s largest missions.

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Dayton Region Priority Development and Advocacy Committee

Dayton Region Priority Development and Advocacy Committee (PDAC) was established as a committee of the Dayton Development Coalition to assist in establishing regional priorities for funding public projects that benefit the economic development, health, education or quality of life in the region. The PDAC process involves coordination by representatives from the Dayton Region’s business community, local government, education and civic organizations.

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AAM - Advanced Air Mobility
ABW - Air Base Wing
ACAT - Acquisition Category
ACCESS - Acquisition of Consolidated Enterprise Support Services
AETC - Air Education and Training Command
AF - Air Force
AFOSR - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
AFSAC - Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate
AFIT - Air Force Institute of Technology
AFLCMC - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
AFMC - Air Force Materiel Command
AFRL - Air Force Research Laboratory
AFRES - Air Force Reserve
ANG - Air National Guard
APDC - Aerospace Professional Development Center
AU - Air University
AUVSI - Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
AW - Airlift Wing


BRAC - Defense Base Realignment and Closure


C2 - Command and Control
C4ISR - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
COE - Center of Excellence
COA - Certificate of Authorization
COLA - Cost of Living Adjustment
CONOPS - Concept of Operations
CONUS - Continental United States
COTS - Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
CSAF - Chief of Staff of the Air Force


DAHNHP - Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
DEAMS - Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System
DECA - Dayton Early College Academy
DFAS - Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DHS - Department of Homeland Security
DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency
DLA - Defense Logistics Agency
DOD - Department of Defense
DRMC - Dayton Region Military Collaborative
DSCC - Defense Supply Center Columbus
DVAMC - Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center


ECSS - Expeditionary Combat Support System
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
EUL - Enhanced Use Lease
ESC - Electronics System Center
EW - Electronic Warfare


FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FMS - Foreign Military Sales
FMJC - Federal Military Jobs Commission (State of Ohio)
FW - Fighter Wing


GAO - Government Accountability Office
GOCO - Government Owned, Contractor Operated
GOGO - Government Owned, Government Operated


HAF - Headquarters Air Force
HBCU/MI - Historically Black Colleges and University/Minority Institutions
HPW - Human Performance Wing


ICBM - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
IG - Inspector General
IS - Intelligence Squadron
ISR - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance


JAG - Judge Advocate General
JSMC - Joint Systems Manufacturing Center—Lima (formerly Lima Tank Plant)


LPTA - Lowest Price Technically Acceptable
MAC - Military Airlift Command
MAJCOM - Major Command
MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence
MILCON - Military Construction
MOA - Military Operating Area
MSIC - Missile and Space Intelligence Center
MWS - Major Weapons System


NAAMCE - National Advanced Air Mobility Center of Excellence
NAF - Numbered Air Force
NAHA - National Aviation Heritage Area
NAHA - National Aviation Heritage Alliance
NAHF - National Aviation Hall of Fame
NAMRU-D - Naval Medical Research Unity-Dayton
NAS - National Airspace System
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASIC - National Air and Space Intelligence Center
NCMR - National Center for Medical Readiness
NMUSAF - National Museum of the United States Air Force
NPS - National Park Service
NSIC - National Space Intelligence Center
NPS - Naval Postgraduate School


O&M - Operations and Maintenance
OAATC - Ohio Aerospace and Aviation Technology Council (State of Ohio)
OASIS - Ohio Airspace Strategic Integration Study


PA - Public Affairs
PDAC - Priority Development and Advocacy Committee
PL - Public Law
PME - Professional Military Education


RDT&E - Research, Development, Test & Evaluation
RFP - Request for Proposal
RIF - Reduction In Force
RPA - Remotely Piloted Aircraft
RPV - Remotely Piloted Vehicle


S&T - Science and Technology
SAB - Scientific Advisory Board
SANGB - Springfield Air National Guard Base
SBIR - Small Business Innovation Research
SECAF - Secretary of the Air Force
SECDEF - Secretary of Defense
SES - Senior Executive Service
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics


TAG - The Adjutant General


UAS - Unmanned Aircraft System (or Unmanned Aerial System)
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UDRI - University of Dayton Research Institute
USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers
USAF - United States Air Force
USAFSAM - United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine
USSF - United States Space Force


VA - Veterans Affairs
VAMC - Veterans Affairs Medical Center


WPAFB - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base